• この度ANREVがメンバーの皆様に適正なサービスをご提供できているかを検証すべく、メンバーシップ・サービス内容に関する調査を実施致します。是非とも皆様の遺憾のないご意見を賜れますと幸いです。


    本調査は凡そ15分を要します。調査票は2015年1月16日(金)までに林([email protected])宛お送り頂けますと幸いです。


  • 40 Mount Street (aka “Coca-Coca Place”) is a landmark 300,000 sf Grade A office building that demonstrates exceptional environmental performance. This awardwinning North Sydney property is the first completed high-rise building in New South Wales to achieve the 6 Star Green Star Office Design and As Built ratings by the Green Building Council of Australia, and was designed to a NABERS 5 Star rating.

    Sustainability Case Study - Dec 2014: 40 Mount Street, North Sydney, AustraliaPDF
  • This webinar session was successfully held on 11 December 2014 (Thursday).


    As the financial downturn has put an increased focus on transparent and consistent reporting to investors, the one hour practical online training introduced the key building blocks to support best practice in the area of adjusted NAV calculation.
    It included a high level examination of using INREV Net Asset Value (NAV) and short explanation of the calculation examples.
    The following topics were covered:

    • Understanding INREV NAV
    • Walking through a calculation example
    • How to report on INREV NAV and the level of disclosure according to INREV Guidelines

    For members who have missed the webinar and interested to view the recordings, please download.

  • ANREV is pleased to present its 2014 year-end newsletter for Japanese market which includes Chief Executive’s message from Alan Dalgleish, a rounds up of the Association’s activities and achievements in Japan in 2014.


    2014 Year end Newsletter - JAPANPDF
    2014 Year end Newsletter - JAPAN<日本語版>PDF
  • European insurance groups are the largest institutional investors in Europe's financial markets and have a significant role in long term investment globally.

    Solvency II is the new European prudential regulatory regime for insurers due to come into force on 1 January 2016. The new regime takes a completely different approach to regulation from the current regime and, in particular, in relation to the investments backing insurers' liabilities and capital requirements. Instead of prescribing admissible assets and counterparty and asset limits as is the case currently, it adopts a more permissive "prudent investor regime" but, also introduces a system of stress testing asset valuations, effectively resulting in capital charges on the insurer for holding different types of assets depending on the risks inherent in that asset. Fund managers and others hoping to attract insurance company investors should be aware of structures and investments likely to be attractive to insurance company clients in this respect.

    For those who are interested, please click here

    Clare Swirski
    Corporate Partner, Financial Institutions Group
    Clifford Chance LLP

    Clare Swirski is a corporate partner in the Financial Institutions Group at Clifford Chance with over 18 years' experience in corporate work including mergers and acquisitions, listings, group re-organisations and joint ventures. She provides regulatory, corporate and commercial advice to insurers, banks, fund managers and other financial institutions including transactional advice on mergers and acquisitions, reinsurance and risk transfer and solvency and regulatory capital issues under the current regime and under Solvency II. Clare is a member of the City Lawyers group on Solvency II and is rated Band 1 in Chambers and a leading individual in Legal 500.

    This presentation does not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon for any purpose. Clifford Chance makes no warranty or representation as to the accuracy of any information contained herein.

  • APAC Regulatory GuidePDF
    DoddFrank-EMIR updatesPDF
  • ANREV Sponsorship Opportunities 2015PDF
    ANREV Sponsorship details 2015PDF
  • 2015 Calendar of EventsPDF
  • 要旨

    中国経済が世界で最も急速な成長を遂げ、通貨「人民元」を用いた貿易決済、金融、投資の取引高が過去数年間で大幅な伸びをみせていることに疑いの余地はない。安全な金融メッセージングサービスのグローバル・プロバイダーである国際銀行間通信協会(SWIFT)の最新の調査によると、全世界での人民元建て決済は過去2 年間で3 倍近くの金額に増加している。2014 年9 月時点で、人民元は決済利用通貨の世界ランキング上位20 で7 位に位置しており、今後は香港、中国をはじめ、その他のオフショアセンターにおける人民元利用の増加により、5 年以内に準備通貨となるに十分な成熟を遂げると予想される。拡大する決済取引高に対応し、また人民元建ての新商品やサービスの将来的な発展を支えるにあたり、深圳市の前海はクロスボーダーな人民元建て資金の循環を加速させ、その国際化の促進に独自の役割を果たすだろう。前海がもたらすチャンスと課題を探るべく、コリアーズは本レポートで、香港や中国(上海)自由貿易試験区(SHFTZ)などのその他の要因、および新たに発表された15%の法人税とその対象受益者などの最新の開発政策との関係を通して、前海の位置づけについて語っていく。競争は避けられないが、中央政府の後ろ盾のある優遇措置や政策を有する点から、コリアーズは「特区」として位置づけられる前海が珠江デルタ地域内外に課題よりも多くのチャンスをもたらすと考えている。

  • 중국 첸하이의 부상: 기회인가 도전인가?


    중국이 세계에서 가장 빠른 경제성장을 이룬 사실은 누구도 부인하지 못하며, 지난 몇 년 동안 RMB(렌민비)가 지난 몇 년 동안 무역대금결제,금융조달 및 투자에 활용된 규모가 크게 확장해온 것도 사실이다. 전세계적으로 안전한 금융 메세지서비스를 제공하는 SWIFT(국제은행간 자금결제통신망)에 따르며, 전세계 RMB 결제는 지난 2년동안 거의 3배가 증가했다고 한다. 2014년 9월 현재, RMB는 세계 최대 20위까지의 결제 화폐 순위에서 7위를 차지하였다. 앞으로는 홍콩 및 기타 역외센터에서의 활용 증가에 따라, 향후 5년 내에는 준비통화가 될 수 있을 만큼 성장할 것으로 예측된다.

    늘어나는 결제규모에 맞추고, RMB를 주로 사용하는 신상품 및 서비스의 향후 개발을 지원하기 위하여, 심천의 첸하이는 RMB 기금의 역외 유통을 가속화하기 위해 RMB 국제화를 촉진하는 특수역할을 수행할 것이다.

    첸하이가 제기하는 기회와 도전을 알아보기 위하여, Colliers는 홍콩와 비교한 첸하이의 포지셔닝과 SHFTZ(상하이자유무역지대)와 같은 기타 요인들을 설명하고, 새로 발표된 15% 법인세 및 수혜대상과 같은 최근정책동향에 대해 알아보겠다.

    경쟁은 항상 불가피한 것이기는 하지만, 첸하이는 중앙정보의 인센티브와 정책을 받고 있고 그러한 특성으로 인하여, "특별구역"으로서의 입지를 갖추고 있으며, 따러서 주강삼각지 지역 내외에서 도전보다는 기회를 더 많이 제공할 것이라고 Colliers는 보고 있다.

    전체 리포트 다운로드를 원하시면 로그인하신후 다운로드 하시기 바라겠습니다.

    중국 첸하이의 부상: 기회인가 도전인가?PDF