ANREV offers tailored events and different benefits for specific members. When applying for membership it is important that your company has been correctly classified to ensure that the right people have access to the right events, the right benefits and there are no conflicts of interest.

To be classified as an investor or multi manager member your company needs to meet the following definitions or in some cases provide evidence of your activities.

Investor Member Definition

ANREV Investor members shall include investors whose role is to invest directly into non-listed real estate vehicles on their own account and/or on behalf of partners with full discretionary power, where non-discretionary capital is below 15% of the total invested capital into non-listed real estate.

Most of the capital is balance sheet capital from the main investor organisation and only like-minded investors are allowed to invest alongside the main capital provider.

This may include:

  1. Pension Funds including Pension providers owned or controlled by pension funds and/or social partners;
  2. Life Insurance Funds;
  3. Insurance Companies;
  4. Sovereign Wealth Funds;
  5. Family Offices;
  6. Charities / Endowment;
  7. Any other organisation approved by ANREV in its absolute discretion.

An Investor Member may be an organisation or a division of a broader organisation, whose investor function can be demonstrated to be organisationally separate from any investment management, advisory, capital raising or other activities that could potentially give rise to a conflict of interest with other ANREV Investor Members.

Multi Manager Member Definition

ANREV Multi Manager members shall include investors whose role is to invest directly into non-listed real estate vehicles on their own account and/or on behalf of clients with full discretionary power, where non-discretionary capital is above 15% of the total invested capital into non-listed real estate.

This may include:

  1. Investment Managers with an organizationally separate investor function;
  2. Multi Managers;
  3. Consultants
  4. Private Bank
  5. Any other organisation approved by ANREV in its absolute discretion.

A Multi Manager Member may be an organisation or a division of a broader organisation, whose investor function can be demonstrated to be organisationally separate from any investment management, advisory or other activities that could potentially give rise to a conflict of interest with other ANREV Investor and Multi Manager Members.