• Korea Conference ProgrammePDF
  • ANREV, INREV and NCREIF are pleased to present the latest in a series of quarterly snapshots of what’s happening in the global real estate investment market.

    In this short two-page snapshot, the Global Research Committee share their views of the global macroeconomic and property market landscape, drawing on data and insights from recent global indices and global surveys jointly conducted by all three associations.

    Key highlights from July 2024 include:

    • Real estate market recovery is expected to take place at different rates across Europe, the US and APAC due to differing economic conditions and valuation practices
    • Global investors should adopt an investment strategy that fully recognises the nuances involved in placing capital in heterogeneously recovering markets
    • AUM among fund managers continues to concentrate among the largest firms, according to the ANREV/INREV/NCREIF Fund Manager Survey 2024
    Global Market Insight - July 2024PDF
  • ANREV, INREV and NCREIF are pleased to present the latest in a series of quarterly snapshots of what’s happening in the global real estate investment market.

    In this short two-page snapshot, the Global Research Committee share their views of the global macroeconomic and property market landscape, drawing on data and insights from recent global indices and global surveys jointly conducted by all three associations.

    Key highlights from July 2024 include:

    • Real estate market recovery is expected to take place at different rates across Europe, the US and APAC due to differing economic conditions and valuation practices.
    • Global investors should adopt an investment strategy that fully recognises the nuances involved in placing capital in heterogeneously recovering markets.
    • AUM among fund managers continues to concentrate among the largest firms, according to the ANREV/INREV/NCREIF Fund Manager Survey 2024.
    Global Market Insights - July 2024PDF
  • The eighteenth gross return report shows a 3-month total gross return of -3.82% for the period between April and June 2024.
    The gross return report is a supplementary report to the ANREV Australia Core Open End Fund Monthly Index (ACOE) published one month after every quarter showing aggregated gross returns of the 17 ACOE funds.

    Please contact Daisy Huang or Donald Lam if you have any questions regarding the Index.

    ANREV Australia Core Open End Fund Monthly Index - Gross Return Report (April to June 2024)PDF
  • The ANREV Australia Core Open End Fund Monthly Index (ACOE) saw a total return of -3.86% in June 2024. The ACOE includes 17 funds with a total GAV of AUD 113.12 billion.

    The ACOE Index also reports data on geographic allocation by sector.

    Please contact Daisy Huang or Donald Lam if you have any questions regarding the Index.

    ANREV Australia Core Open End Fund Monthly Index (June 2024) PDF
    ANREV Australia Core Open End Fund Monthly Index (June 2024) PDF
    ANREV Australia Core Open End Fund Monthly Index (June 2024) XLSX
    ANREV Australia Core Open End Fund Monthly Index (June 2024)PDF
  • The Q1 2024 ANREV ODCE Asset Level Performance Consultation Report posted a total return of 0.85%, comprised of -0.14% capital growth and 0.99% income return. Slightly improving from the previous quarter’s returns of 0.33%. The report measures the asset level returns of 243 investments owned by 8 ODCE funds valued at US$19.20 billion as of Q1 2024.

    Due to its limited coverage this report is not considered as an index. The report's results are generated based on the asset level data provided to ANREV directly from the contributing managers. Data collection starts immediately after a quarter has ended for a period of up to 6 weeks after quarter end.

    Please contact Amélie DelaunayDaisy Huang or Eileen Chiu for any queries.

    ANREV ODCE Asset Level Performance Consultation Report Q1 2024PDF
    ANREV ODCE Asset Level Performance Consultation Report Q1 2024 Excel SupplementXLSX
    ANREV ODCE Asset Level Performance Consultation Report Q1 2024 SnapshotPDF
  • ANREV Conferences Sponsorship fees and benefits 2024PDF
  • Slides: Navigating the Indian Market: Trends and Opportunities UnveiledPDF
  • The Q1 2024 release of the Global IRR Index monitors a sample of 381 closed end funds across vintages from pre-2001 to 2022. All of these 381 funds follow a non-core strategy as defined by their managers and include 331 value added and 50 opportunistic funds.

    Key highlights:

    • This release of the Global IRR Index features 72 Asia Pacific funds, 145 European and 164 funds focused on the USA.
    • The IRR of funds in Post 2019 group deteriorates, displaying an equally weighted IRR of -10.67%.
    • A majority of funds follow value added and single country strategies.
    • The performance of the USA’s 2008-2010 fund vintage continues to lead all cohorts in all regions.

    The Global Internal Rate of Return (IRR) Index is jointly produced by INREV, ANREV and NCREIF to measure the IRR performance of closed end non-listed real estate vehicles since inception on a global scale.

    For any queries please contact Amélie DelaunayDaisy Huang, or Eileen Chiu.

    Global IRR Q1 2024PDF
    Global IRR Q1 2024 Excel SupplementXLSX
    Global IRR Index Q1 2024 SnapshotPDF
  • The IRR Index measures the internal rate of return performance of Asia Pacific closed end non-listed real estate funds since the funds’ inception up to the end of the latest quarter. Performance is measured net of fees and costs and is computed on both a pooled return basis and an equally weighted basis (arithmetic mean).

    The IRR Quarterly Index Q1 2024 includes 72 closed-end funds across vintages from pre-2005 to 2018.

    For any questions or comments, please contact Daisy Huang or Eileen Chiu.

    ANREV IRR Index Q1 2024PDF
    ANREV IRR Index Q1 2024 Excel SupplementXLSX
    ANREV IRR Index Q1 2024 SnapshotPDF